Integrated Neighbourhood Teams
This page explains what Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) are and how voluntary organisations and charities can support them. This is a great opportunity to connect VCSE groups into health and care services and partners, to improve the health and wellbeing of local people.

The East Riding of Yorkshire Health and Care Committee has supported our Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to be ‘Test and Learn’ sites for Integrated Neighbourhood Teams. For more information on PCNs, please click here.
This means that PCNs have been empowered to address local patient need and/or barriers to healthcare integration as part of an INT, by:
- streamlining access to care and advice.
- providing more proactive, personalised care with support from a multidisciplinary team of professionals.
- helping people to stay well for longer.
The INTs areas are:
- Beverley (including Cottingham)
- Bridlington
- Cygnet
- Driffield
- Harthill
- Holderness
- Hornsea, Leven, Beeford
- West Wolds (including Market Weighton)
In each area, they have created a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) approach that listens and responds to concerns about service users physical and mental health. MDT partners and practitioners include healthcare professionals, adult and children’s services, emergency services and the VCSE sector.
At dedicated MDT meetings, all partners come together and share their knowledge and skills to coordinate how local people are supported to improve their own health and wellbeing and, when they are ill or need help, they receive the best possible joined up care. The team will review existing assessments, identify gaps in care and support, and address these in an integrated manner.
Partners will each bring a ‘case of concern’ about a service user that they are currently working with. These concern reasons could include, but are not limited to:
- User does not engage well with service.
- User overly-engages with service.
- No health improvements have been made.
- Safeguarding.
- Multi-agency working existing or needed.
Smile will be working within these MDT meetings and engaging with various voluntary organisations and charities to help support discussions and actions.
It is recognised that VCSE groups work with local people in many ways, and support individuals’ health and wellbeing needs, either directly or indirectly. Receiving support from INTs will support your service users, improve staff and volunteer learning, give voice to the VCSE sector and make connections, improving best practice across all partners.
Your VCSE group may be involved in a number of ways, including:
- Providing information of your services to support signposting and referrals.
- Attending a MDT meeting to offer your service support to other partners.
- Providing information of one of your service users to receive the support of the MDT.
- Attending a MDT meeting to provide information of one of your service users to receive the support of the MDT.
Smile would appreciate VCSE groups engagement with these INTs and encourage you to get in touch with us or review and complete the below process:
- Identify a service user that causes your service concern.
- Identify your service user’s INTs area (Holderness, Driffield, Goole or Bridlington).
- Ideally contact Smile first, so we can discuss process, engagement and suitability.
- Receive consent from your service user to be engaged in INTs and a MDT meeting.
- Consider your service’s existing data collection and management processes (for more information, please click here.
- Sign our INT & MDT Data Sharing Agreement for VCSE groups
- Download, complete and return the details of your service user via this form below.
8. Receive confirmation via Smile of service user discussion at a MDT meeting.
9. Attend a MDT meeting where appropriate.
10. Receive next steps and actions, which may be your own or another partner’s.
11. You may bring other cases to future MDT meetings, or request the same person is discussed further.
For more information, please contact Connection Communities Teams on: