Modern Slavery
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms such as slavery, domestic servitude, forced and compulsory labour, criminal exploitation and human trafficking. Victims are hidden in plain sight and it is an expanding issue nationally and locally.

Modern Slavery can happen to men, women or children of any age, and it’s believed to be significantly under-reported, despite often happening in plain sight in public places. Victims are vulnerable and may not actually know they are being exploited.
Modern slavery can take many forms, and often exploiters can be manipulative in order to hide what is happening.
Here are the most common forms of slavery:
- Human Trafficking
- Forced Labour
- Child exploitation
- Criminal exploitation
Find out more detail and how to spot the signs of Modern Slavery HERE.
Reporting Concerns
If you believe someone is at immediate risk or danger you should call 999. Alternatively, you can use Humberside Police’s online crime reporting service.
Modern Slavery Helpline
The National Referral Mechanism
Is a framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive appropriate protection and Government-funded support. It is also the mechanism through which the Government collects data about victims. The information helps build a clearer picture of human trafficking in the UK.Only 'first responder organisations' can report into the the system.
Resources and further information
Humber Modern Slavery Partnership
This is a multi-agency group made up of partners from East Riding Council, East Riding Safeguarding Adults Board, Humberside Police, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, Public Health, Trading Standards and the Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority. Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority. Further details visit this site HERE - or email Andrew Smith via email:
Humber Modern Slavery Partnership - Strategic Report 2023-26.
East Riding Safeguarding Board Report - Modern Slavery 2024
Do you need to publish a modern slavery statement?
A charity has to be incorporated for a modern slavery statement to be required. It can be a charitable company or a charitable incorporated organisation. You also need to have a turnover of more than £36m and be carrying on a business – which includes a trade or profession – in the UK. See NCVO for further information here.
National charities specialising in support and advice for victims of modern slavery
Causeway: provides a range of services which support survivors of modern slavery to recover from trauma, be protected from further harm, and develop safe and fulfilling lives.
Useen:- run the UK Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline and work with individuals, communities, business, governments, other charities and statutory agencies to stamp out slavery for good.