Inclusion Health
Inclusion health is an umbrella term used to describe people who are socially excluded, who typically experience multiple interacting risk factors for poor health, such as stigma, discrimination, poverty, violence, and complex trauma.

Inclusion health focuses on the healthcare needs of people who face serious social disadvantages and are often excluded from regular healthcare services. These individuals usually encounter many barriers when trying to access healthcare, leading to negative experiences that discourage them from seeking medical help in the future. As a result, they are less likely to get the care they need, despite having high health needs. This contributes to poorer health outcomes and a shorter life expectancy compared to the general population.
The poor health of inclusion health groups is mainly due to their severe social disadvantages and the build-up of various social risks. For example, someone who is alcohol-dependent might also be homeless, making them very vulnerable and limiting their chances for better health. This combination of factors leads to very poor health and a shorter life expectancy. Additionally, bad experiences during childhood can lead to social exclusion and increased health needs throughout a person’s life.
To effectively reduce healthcare inequalities, it is crucial to have a clear and focused approach to addressing the needs of inclusion health groups.
People in inclusion health groups include:
- Care leavers
- Veterans
- People who experience homelessness
- People with drug and alcohol dependence
- Vulnerable migrants and refugees
- Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities
- People in contact with the justice system
- Victims of modern slavery
- Sex workers
- Other marginalised groups
People who are socially excluded are likely to have the following experiences in common:
- Discrimination and stigma
- Violence and the experience of trauma
- Poverty
- Invisibility in health datasets
Which result in:
- Insecure and inadequate housing
- Very poor access to healthcare services due to service design
- Poor experience of public services
- Poorer health than people in other socially disadvantaged groups.
Modern Slavery
Vulnerable people are often victims of modern day slavery. Further information including how to report concerns available in the Keeping People Safe Resources area HERE.
Resources and additional information
East Riding Joint Strategic Needs Assessment site -
This website contact information regarding the Health and Wellbeing of the population of the East Riding of Yorkshire. The site supports the Health and Wellbeing Board and its strategy to understand the strategic health and care needs of the population across the East Riding.
SPOTLIGHT - Improving Inclusion Health Outcomes - source.
Spotlight is a data dissemination platform that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health. The aim of Spotlight is to improve accessibility and visibility of data and evidence related to inclusion health populations.