Care Leavers
Care leavers often have poor health because they've gone through tough times like abuse or neglect and don't have stable family support. They deal with health problems from these experiences and money issues, making it hard to focus on healthcare. Bad past experiences with public services make them less likely to seek help, and moving to live on their own without the right support adds to their challenges.

Care Leavers' health in the East Riding
Highlights from the Inclusion Health Needs Assessment November 2024:
- In March 2024, there were 162 care leavers aged 18-24 in East Riding of Yorkshire. 56% were male and 44% female. Almost half lived in East Riding, 36% in Hull, and 17% elsewhere.
- Care leavers are 4 to 5 times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people.
- Young women in care are 3 times more likely to become parents by 18 compared to others.
- 24% of care leavers have a disability or long-term health problem, compared to 14% in the general population.
- Young people with care experience are over 5 times more likely to die early than those without care experience.
- Over 53% of care leavers lived in the most deprived areas of East Riding.
- Care leavers face health inequalities and multiple challenges due to past traumas and adversity.
- Many have had negative experiences with public services, which lowers their trust in the council and NHS.
- The cost of living crisis has made it harder for care leavers to access health services, as they often have to choose between attending appointments and other needs like food or transportation
- PCNs and A&E do not always record Care Leavers in data. This means there are gaps in understanding their unmet needs
- Care Leavers' health needs might not be noticed until they reach a crisis point because there is no specific service for them until they need urgent help.
- When young people leave care, they often lose support and guidance, making it hard to live on their own. They may struggle to maintain positive relationships with family, foster carers, or social workers.
- Gaps in their health and education, with many not in education, training, or employment.
- In East Riding, there's no specific health service for care leavers, unlike other places.
- Strict service rules can penalise Care Leavers for missing appointments by making them wait longer.
Download the full report HERE.
Support available in the East Riding
All care leavers you are legally entitled to a range of support and services from the local authority.
The Pathway Team supports all young people who are looked after from the age of 16 onwards providing help and support as you leave care, and up to the age of 25 if needed.
Leaving care information