Health and Wellbeing
Being well means taking care of our physical, mental and emotional health. In good health, we feel more energetic, happier and can stay independent and live longer.
Healthy people are the foundation for healthy economies.
Health is our most precious asset
Good health and wellbeing enables us to live happy, fulfilling lives and frees us up to achieve our potential.
The VCSE Sector works in partnership with local health and social care to ensure everyone in the region has access to activities , services and support to help them achieve this.

East Riding Health and Wellbeing
The website is a directory of local health services and social groups. It has plenty of information on self-care and where to get help, from quitting smoking to mental health, and parent support to being less lonely.
The site, created by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Public Health team compliments the social prescribing project to make sure everyone has access to reliable wellbeing information and local services.
VCSE Groups
Make sure you're group is featured on the site so that local people find out more about what's you're offering in the community, and how they can get in touch.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
The partnership is a collaboration of health, social care, community and charitable organisations. The Integrated Care System (ICS) coordinates services and plan in a way to improve population health. Watch the following video to see how working together and acting earlier can tackle the causes of ill health.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership - Let's Get Better
Find information on how to live a healthy and active life and health services in your area.

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Link
MECC Link is a simple and flexible signposting tool that helps you to raise awareness, motivate and signpost people to help them to improve their health and wellbeing.
At the touch of a button you can access information on a full range of self-care, national and local support services.
Good health remains out of reach for too many people in the UK. Deep inequalities in health between our poorest and wealthiest communities have widened.
To understand why this is, we need to look at the bigger picture. 'What makes us healthy.