Help shape the Civil Society Covenant
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and the Association of Chief Execs of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) are working with the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) to develop a framework for The Civil Society Covenant.
It aims to reset how government engages with civil society and create lasting positive changes for charities, community groups, and social enterprises.

Civil society organisations have always been key to building stronger, more resilient communities. Now, under a new government committed to change, we have the opportunity to make that relationship more meaningful and collaborative.
We've worked closely with the new government over the past few months to ensure our sector's voices shape its new direction. They’ve been listening to what we’ve said, and now we have an opportunity to shape a new and lasting relationship with government.
This is a pivotal moment for the sector. With your help, we can build a Civil Society Covenant that will put charities, community groups, and social enterprises at the heart of decision-making. This will ensure a stronger, fairer future.
Get involved in shaping the Covenant
Your input is vital to shaping the Civil Society Covenant. If you're a charity, social enterprise, or community group, now is the time to share your experiences. Your input can shape future decisions.
We especially want to hear from organisations led by marginalised groups, to ensure diverse voices are central to the process. Together, we can build an agreement that reflects and supports all communities.
Get involved HERE.
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