The platform brings together data from regulators, funder accounts and data published using the 360Giving Data Standard to provide an interactive way to understand and explore grantmaking in the UK. 


This site is a collaboration between 360Giving, the Association of Charitable Foundations, the Association of Charitable Organisations, UK Community Foundations and London Funders, supported by Pears Foundation and CCLA collates and analyses information available on grants made in 2022-23, offering an interactive platform that showcases the data and insights on over £20bn of grants from across all grantmaking sectors to the voluntary, community and social sectors.

The platform has been designed with interactive visualisations and tables that can be explored further. Data can be searched, sorted and downloaded, allowing easier access to grant making data than ever before.

If your a group or charity developing strategies for fundraising or wanting to know who funds what and where -  take a look at to help inform your work.

There is a wealth of information in the new platform – here are a few key highlights:


  • Over 13,000 UK grantmakers distributed over £20bn in grants in 2022-23
  • The vast majority of grantmakers are small, distributing under £1m in grants per year
  • The majority of grant recipients in data published using the 360Giving Data Standard were small charities and reported income under £1m
  • The majority of grant awards are small – grants awarded were most commonly for a year or less and for under £10,000.
  • Foundation giving was over £6.4bn in 2022-23
  • The largest 300 foundation grantmakers increased grant spending by 14%, a real terms increase of 3% when adjusted for inflation
  • Over 2,000 organisations make grants to individuals and families, estimated to contribute £400m a year. The largest 100 funders providing grants to individuals decreased grant spending in real terms by 2%
  • Community Foundations distributed £175m, with the majority going to the most deprived communities in the UK
  • Just one third of the total value of grants awarded to London-registered charities was given to charities operating only in London.

Everyone can access this valuable data in one place for free, and it is openly available for people to use for their own purposes. Sharing data in this way will make it easier for everyone to understand, to collaborate, and to support grantmaking to become more informed, effective and strategic.

Explore HERE


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