BLOG: The Voluntary Sector Manifesto: Raising our voice
The 2024 general election presents a rare opportunity for charities – not only to raise much-needed awareness of important issues, but to also reset our sector’s relationship with government.

The talent, expertise, and innovation of the voluntary sector is often undervalued. Even though we've demonstrated it in how we've responded to crises and achieved meaningful change for our communities.
The UK is facing challenges that no political party can solve alone. We need to build a partnership with the next government that empowers our sector to play a full role in tackling those challenges – as policymakers, service deliverers, and the voice of our communities.
Read the blog article in full HERE.
Further reading
Voluntary Sector Manifesto
Download NCVO and ACEVO’s 'Voluntary Sector Manifesto'
Charities, Elections and Referendums
Charity Commission guidance for use by charities during the period between the announcement of an election, and the date on which an election is held. It applies to both national and local elections.