Free Health & Wellbeing Sessions open to all VCSE groups
Humber and North Yorkshire’s Health and Wellbeing calendar for 2024/25 is now live! Take advantage of these FREE virtual sessions available to all volunteers and staff working within Humber and North Yorkshire in health and social care including NHS, non-NHS, community care, social care, local authority and VCSE groups

Sessions include:
- Women's health - including menopause and women's development (sessions for non-binary, trans women and whose who identify as women)
- Physical health and wellbeing - Including desk-based movement and mobilisation, posture and back-pain awareness.
- Mental health and wellbeing - Including breathwork for stress, anxiety and overwhelm, stress and self-care and breathwork for anxiety
May 2024
- 21st May Desk based movement and mobilisation
- 30th May Menopause Awareness for colleagues and Line managers
June 2024
- 13th June Stop reacting and start responding: Stress and Self Care
- 26th June Menopause Awareness for colleagues and Line managers
July 2024
- 2nd July Hand reflexology for MSK
- 12th July Understand and managing your periods
- 17th July Imposter Syndrome
- 23rd July Menopause Awareness for colleagues and Line managers

To book
For the full list of descriptions and more dates for these virtual sessions please visit Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership - Booking by Bookwhen.
For all other queries please email the HNY Wellbeing team at