Coaching for VCSE colleagues

Did you know that free coaching is available for colleagues working in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector across Humber and North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire health and care partnerships?

Why consider coaching?
Humber and North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire health and care partnerships are committed to creating the right culture and conditions for all colleagues to reach their potential and make the best contribution they can to improving outcomes for patients.
We believe that coaching is one of the ways we can support development, enable people to build new skills and encourage a diverse workforce in which talented people maximise their potential and their contribution to our local communities.
What is coaching?
Coaching is a way of having conversations with another person that are safe, supportive, confidential and challenging. It can be a thought-provoking and creative process and will help you to maximise your personal and professional potential.
Coaching enhances our awareness of 'what is really going on'; guiding us to choose responsibility for the actions we will take to achieve our personal goals and helping us to evaluate the consequences.
It is less about telling people how to do something and more about enabling and building the capabilities we need to succeed.
What can be discussed in coaching?
Coaching can be used to achieve work related goals and activities. These could include:
- career development
- help to manage change and transition
- health and wellbeing
- leadership development
- returning to work after absence/ maternity leave
- confidence and self esteem
- communication
- working relationships
- executive coaching
What happens during a coaching session?
A skilled coach will use a combination of questioning, listening, observation and feedback to create a conversation with you that is rich in insight and learning. They will encourage you to move things forward.
Coaching lasts for a defined period (we recommend up to six sessions) and focuses on specific work-related skills and goals. Goals will be set at the start of the coaching relationship in a way that works for you.
At the end of the series of coaching sessions you and your coach will evaluate these goals together.
Coaching is based on trust and openness. The content of your sessions is confidential unless there is a perceived risk to you or others.
Where will my coaching sessions take place?
Everyone is different and this goes for our coaches too.
Some people prefer to meet face-to-face, some virtually. Some prefer to be moving during their sessions, some prefer to stay in the same place.
We can support you to find a coach that will work in the way that’s best for you.
Who is coaching for?
Our coaching network is a platform to help people connect with one of our 120 skilled, knowledgeable and experienced coaches. Any colleague working in health or care within Humber and North Yorkshire or West Yorkshire can register to receive coaching. This offer is free for all colleagues.
How do I find out more?
To find out more please email and we will support you to start your own coaching journey in no time at all.