PAG grants 2024 - applications in for 31 January
The Positive Action Grants (PAG) for 2024 went live 10 January with a closing date of 31st January. It's essential given the tight turnaround, that sports and youth clubs wishing to applying for funding, read NEW statutory guidance and governance conditions for these awards now.

The £80,000 PAG fund will be split as follows:
1 x £10,000 Band A Award: For a new youth/sport organisation to establish a youth project/club that has not received a PAG Award previously
12 x £2,500 Band B Awards: For established youth/sport organisations to continue delivering a youth project/club.
5 x £3,000 Band C: For youth/sport organisations to improve the skills of their staff and volunteers with youth work related qualifications
5 x £5,000 Band D Awards: For youth/sport organisations to provide emotional well-being support for young people
Action you must take before applying
Step 1. Read guidance
Read the latest Statutory guidance for local authorities on services to improve young people’s well-being - HERE.
Step 2. Governance
Youth Organisations: Must be registered on Smile's site and governance information is up to date. If you need help/advice please contact the Smile Community Development team by email at
Sports organisation: Must be registered on the East Riding Club Accreditation Scheme (ERCAS). If you need help or need to know more please contact
To ensure that safeguarding is at the heart of all our work with children and young people, there are some additional conditions to PAG this year:
- Governance must be approved by HEY Smile Foundation on before any grants are awarded.
- The designated safeguarding lead must evidence completion of relevant safeguarding training before any grant is made.
- At least two trustees must have evidence of completing safeguarding and safer recruitment training before any grant is made.
- At least one trustee from your organisation must attend the quarterly safeguarding forum hosted by Community Vison and ERYC.
- At any time of the PAG financial award (April 2024 to March 2025), ERYC may ask for funds to be returned if you, the organisation do not meet the PAG conditions, or a safeguarding incident put young people in danger of harm/abuse/neglect.
- Monitoring – ERYC and HEY Smile Foundation will need to meet with Trustees to ensure good practice is in place, at least once after the grant is awarded. In addition, ERYC will attend a minimum of one session per annum to complete a monitoring form to ensure safe practice, financial transparency and young people are safe.
Guidance Notes
How to apply
You need to apply via FlexiGrant - East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Grant Application Portal
The portal allows users to set up and manage their funding applications to all grant schemes administered by the Council. Once you have completed your registration details you will be able to search for the grant and apply - 2024 Positive Action Grant.