A new e-Learning site established by HEY Smile Foundation (Smile) and East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) to help the sector share in-house training for everyone to benefit from. 

Finance and cost of living concerns

Lots of people are concerned about their finances and the cost-of-living crisis, and now we’re coming towards the winter months, your organisation may find you start to deal with more and more people who tell you they're struggling. To give staff and volunteers the confidence to support these people, the first course featured on the eLearning site is called An Introduction to Helping Clients with Debt and Money Enquiries.  The module's been designed by in-house experts at Citizen’s Advice Hull and East Riding with funding and support from ERYC and Smile. 

 The three main outcomes and benefits of completing the module are:

  1. Personal development of increased confidence and knowledge for staff and volunteers 
  2.  Improve service users’ own financial understanding and support systems 
  3. A better informed VCSE sector that can support local residents 

Keep an eye out for a new upcoming Citizen’s Advice module joining the platform, on Universal Credit and Pension Credit. 

To find out more about the eLearning platform and access the module, please click here: East Riding VCSE Learning Platform | e-learning | Resources | VCSE news & resources East Riding


We value hearing your feedback on using the platform and undertaking the modules. This will help us to improve the system and content, to better support the VCSE sector. Feedback HERE

Do you have learning you can share with the sector?

If you have any free learning that the sector could benefit from that you'd be happy to include on the eLearning site, please get in touch HERE.

Have limited or no digital access to benefit from this eLearning site?

We appreciate that not all groups will have digital devices and connections for staff and volunteers  to be benefit from this free e-Learning. Across the East Riding there are a many places to access support - digital hubs, libraries and adult education centres offer free access to devices, internet access and in-person support. You'll can find out where you local support is HERE.  

If there is no support near to you, please get in touch with


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