Your views needed to improve access to public spaces
Colleagues at the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities Yorkshire & Humber (OHID YH) are planning an event early 2024 to look at improving accessibility to and the use of the Public Realm (Public Spaces).

To help with the initial stages of this work, the team are asking for VCSE groups support by completing this survey. This will help them to better understand how they can support your work in this area.
Deadline: Please complete by Tuesday 19th September
The team would also like to hear from anyone interested in helping to plan and deliver the event; and to join the event Steering Group. If you would like to be involved, please get in touch with your OHID YH contact, Nicola at:
Further insight
The role of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
The Department focuses on improving the nation’s health so that everyone can expect to live more of life in good health, and on levelling up health disparities to break the link between background and prospects for a healthy life. Visit the UK Gov Website for full details
What is does the term Public Realm mean?
Public realm can be described as the space around, between and within buildings that are publicly accessible including streets, squares, parks and open spaces. It incorporates all areas to which the public has open access to.
Whether it’s a high street, or an urban park, the qualities of the public realm are integral to its use and help create the unique character, attractiveness and general feel of place.