Unpaid carers – anyone who provides care, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support – play a key role in the health and care system

Infographics showing who people are caring for in England

Health Management and Policy Alert from the Kings Fund

Caring can be a big commitment and carers themselves also need support with their own health and wellbeing. Yet, it’s also clear that carers are not always able to access the support they need. 

In this report, The King's Fund set out to understand the current picture of local support available for unpaid carers in England. They looked at:

  • what evidence is available for different types of support
  • what carers and professionals involved in commissioning and delivering services for carers prioritise
  • what are the barriers and facilitators of access to these different types of support.

Read the full report: Caring in a complex world: perspectives from unpaid carers and the organisations that support them 


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