Wednesday 24th January 2024, 12:30pm to 1:30pm. This hour-long FREE webinar is designed to help charities looking to find new sources of income without risking huge amounts of time or money.

There's nothing worse than opening a charity shop to have it close after less than a year or running a raffle to be left with expensive prizes and not enough ticket sales. We often meet to discuss possible fundraising ideas and choose one. We don't often talk to the people who will be giving us the funds to understand if they think it is a good idea!

In this webinar, based on the startup idea of Customer Discovery developed by Steve Blank at Stanford University, our guest expert Denis Oakley will discuss how we can discover what people want and will pay for in a way that is open to every charity.

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During the webinar, you'll find out about:

✅Understanding the Principles of Customer Discovery

✅Applying Customer Discovery to Unrestricted Fundraising

✅Designing Effective Experiments for Donor Feedback

✅Strategising Communication for Different Donor Segments

Register for event HERE.


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