Have your say on the Devolution proposal for Hull and East Yorkshire. Consultation runs from 2 January 2024 until 27 February 2024.

It has been a long-standing ambition of both Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council to improve the economy of the area and devolution provides the opportunity to build on a long and successful history of partnership working between both local authorities and their partners in the public, private and community and voluntary sectors.

Hull and East Yorkshire is the last part of Yorkshire to negotiate a devolution deal and council leaders have been working hard to get a deal that works for the area.

A proposed devolution deal was agreed earlier this year and announced as part of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, on 22 November 2023.

The proposed devolution deal would see powers and funding of £400million devolved to a new combined authority, overseen by a directly elected mayor who would represent the area in a new relationship with the Government.

A combined authority isn’t a merger of the two councils, but the creation of a new organisation to enable closer working on key priorities for Hull and the East Riding, such as supporting economic growth and delivering improvements across the whole area.

The councils’ proposal looks to:

  • Provide new and additional money and resources to invest in the economy, communities and places, with the promise of more in future spending cycles.
  • Support the creation of accessible jobs, addressing the long-term challenges for people living in the area, particularly in more deprived communities, such as part of Hull, Goole, Bridlington and Withernsea.
  • Increased local decision-making on investments affecting the area.
  • Create new and enhanced relationships with Government, helping to directly influence decisions affecting the area.
  • Provide the certainty for more investment by the private sector in the area.

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HEY Devolution

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