Last winter the cost of living crisis led many organisations to set up or support ‘warm spaces’. Whilst many people were helped in a highly practical way, one of the most important aspects was the feeling of welcome in a warm ‘social space’.

This new workshop developed by the The Good Practice Mentor Team will help you to:

  • find and engage older people in their local communities, including older people less likely to access formal groups, services, activities and support. E.g. older men.
  • Overcome ‘it’s not for me’ barriers and preconceptions to accessing winter hub spaces
  • Provide an active ‘warm welcome’ to engage new people at warm winter hubs, build rapport and help them to build social connections.

The 90 minute webinar's free, delivered online and therefore available to anyone to help you help older people keep warm and socially engaged this winter.  There are four dates available to book. Find out more using this Eventbrite link.

Good Practice Mentor (GPM)

If you are interested in finding out more about GPM, or being reminded of exactly what GPM could offer your organisation, please feel free to contact the team on

You can also view the timetable of introductory taster and more specialised GPM events on Eventbrite - HERE.


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