HEY Mind is working with Space2BHeard on a new counselling service which we will be launching in January 2024. Domestic abuse and poor mental health go hand in hand.

Help to shape this new service

As part of this new support service, the team developing the service want to hear from you to find how you think the counselling service should be delivered locally.

Any information given will be 100% confidential, however, should you wish to discuss your experiences with us in more detail, there is space at the end of this survey for you to give us your contact details.

Share your views HERE

Domestic Abuse and Mental Health

Domestic abuse can have severe and lasting effects on a person’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. The consistent and often traumatic experiences associated with domestic abuse can lead to a range of emotional consequences and this can make everyday living a challenge, however it’s important to remember that although it may seem hard, support is available and there find are people and organisations that can help.

Find out more HERE

DVAP: Where to get help


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