Annual Charity Commission research on public trust in charities and what trustees think about their duties and public expectations.

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With the Covid pandemic barely in the rear-view mirror, the cost of living crisis is affecting all corners of society but especially those whose lives were less secure to begin with.

Many charities have tried to help ease these burdens, and this appears to have been recognised particularly by those who have benefitted from their support. But that work, as important as it is, has not fundamentally changed people’s overall trust and confidence in charities or how relevant they believe them in general to be.

Read the full research here.  For further insight  you can also read the Blog posted by Paul Latham, Director of Communications and Policy at the Commission.

There is a divide in attitudes towards charities and there is potential for that divide to widen. Trust in charities has marginally increased at a time when trust in other institutions has flatlined or fallen

For guidance on how to build public trust in your charity, please see the 'How to Build Public Trust in Your Charity' document within our governance resource section. 


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