Opportunity to hear the latest survey results of NCVO's Time Well Spent research programme focusing on volunteers and their experience.

Volunteers holding hands
NCVO logo


Tuesday 27 June

10:15 until 11:30

This event is free.

If you’re an NCVO member, don’t forget to log in before booking onto the event.

Organisations with a gross annual income of less than £30,000 can join NCVO for free.

Find out more and sign up to the event here.

Have you signed up to Time 2 Volunteer?

This free site provides access to a wide range of volunteering opportunities as well as information and support in accessing volunteering and involving volunteers. It also informs and involves people in the big issues around volunteering across Hull and East Riding.  

The site is completely free to join - if you need volunteers or have volunteer opportunities to promote this site is for you. 

Visit the Time2Volunteer.


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