The England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) has funding available for groups that want to raise awareness of the issues of illegal money lending. The money available has come from the proceeds of crime taken from convicted illegal money lenders.

Illegal Money Lenders, more commonly known as Loan Sharks, lend money without having the correct permissions from the Financial Conduct Authority. They often give cash loans out without any paper work and want double the amount back or charge extortionate interest rates. When you struggle to make repayments they may use violence, threats and intimidation, to ensure you keep paying them.

Funding Aims 

1. Innovative - Has this been done before and if so what makes this project different?

2. Community Engagement - Who will this project reach and how many people will be involved? Will you help get the Stop Loan Sharks message to a new audience?

3. Impact - How will it effect and influence the people reached and how will it change their actions and understanding?

4. Legacy - What will it leave behind and how is it sustainable?

5. Value for Money - How does this project represent value for money?

Who can apply? 

Local residents’ groups, charities, private companies, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups, schools and statutory agencies can submit an application.

How much can you apply for?

Up to £4000. We encourage bids from multiple organisations working together who can each bid for £4000 to put towards a collective project. 

Please budget realistically as your bid will be considered alongside similar ones from across the country. Further information available

Download the Application form and frequently asked questions below.


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