Have your say: What free training, funding support and help do you need?
Following September's launch of the How to do it for East Yorkshire the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Regeneration and Funding team would now like to know more about the challenges and future needs of groups and charities, as well as Town and Parish Councils across the county.

To understand what further help and support organisations require they've created an engagement website to gather your feedback. The site's designed to help voluntary and community organisations evaluate their organisation's structure and management, and identify any gaps or areas that need further training and support.
Please take the time to complete these short surveys. By having up to date accurate information about your group , the team will have the vital insight they need to then create new grants, design targeted training opportunities to upskill your employees and volunteers and identify other resources you need to help you support your communities.
The short survey's ask about your organisations:
- Set up and structure, including policies you have in place
- Your employees and the volunteers within your organisation
- Your finances
- Your training and the support you need
Complete the surveys here: https://eastridingvoluntarysectorengagement.commonplace.is/
The engagement is open until Friday, 17 May, 2024.
The How to Do it For East Yorkshire website is another excellent resource for community and voluntary sector organisations to use - whether just starting out, proving the need for funding, writing polices, safeguarding, identifying the right legal structure or running effective resources. https://howtodoitforeastyorkshire.org/