Are you interested in free training that ensures you have the skills, knowledge and confidence to Make Every Contact Count? 

What is Making Every Contact Count (MECC)?

MECC is an established national initiative in which public-facing workers are encouraged to make contact with patients, service users or the public as an opportunity to support, encourage or enable them to consider health behaviour changes such as stopping smoking or improving their sense of wellbeing.

This may involve initiating a very brief intervention that takes place in less than two minutes – with a person perhaps as part of a routine appointment or consultation; and where appropriate, offering advice, raising awareness of risks, providing encouragement and support for change or signposting and referring them to local services and sources of further information.

Event Details

This session takes place on Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023 10:00am - 11:30pm 

How to register

Eventbrite link is here.


If you have any further queries or questions on the training please contact to find out more


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