Volunteers celebrated at Time2Volunteer awards
The HEY Smile Foundation’s Time2Volunteer awards, held on Thursday 5 October, celebrated the fantastic people who volunteer across the Humber region.

The event was attended by almost 300 volunteers, award category sponsors and partners from East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Hull City Council, Hull CVS and Nisa Retail's charity Making a Difference Locally. It provided a chance to say thank you to those who give their time to help others.
There were 138 nominations across 12 award categories.
Smile's CEO Jamie Lewis said: "The amazing thing about Time2Volunteer awards is it creates a platform that not only recognises excellence, but also encourages positive change within our local community.
"Every act no matter how small, has a ripple effect that touches countless lives. It brings hope to the hopeless, strength to the vulnerable and unity to the divided. Through volunteering we showcase the very best of humanity and create a brighter future."
Councillor David Tucker, portfolio holder for public health and adult social care thanked all of the volunteers and said: "We are celebrating remarkable people who have selflessly dedicated their time, energy and talents to make a difference in the lives of others.
"I hope more people are inspired to find out about volunteering opportunities and the fantastic benefits it can bring. Volunteering enables people to forge connections with others and it provides numerous wellbeing benefits to the volunteer, whilst also helping others, and the community."
People were nominated for the Time2Volunteer awards for a wide variety of volunteering roles; from mentoring and tutoring young people, helping elderly people, to helping the environment and establishing new groups for the benefit of residents, all helping to make the community a better place.

Pictured left with Councillor David Tucker, portfolio holder for public health and adult social care, is one of the youngest winners, 16-year-old Shelby’j Robinson from Goole.
Shelby’j became the Goole AFC Community Champion, organising food collections at football matches and raising money to help combat period poverty. She has donated almost 200 packs of period poverty products, over 2,000 food items and raised £600 to help fill food bank shelves for those in need in Goole. She was inspired to volunteer after speaking to people at the Two Rivers Community Foodbank. She uses her Miss Royal UK Role Model Junior Teen title to raise awareness of food poverty.
Shelby’j has previously earned the Kings Coronation Champion Award and attended the Coronation Concert.
The full list of winners and people shortlisted can be found at: www.time2volunteer.org.
Anyone who would like to find out more about volunteering, or for organisations wanting to promote their volunteering opportunities, visit: www.time2volunteer.org or call:
Ellie on 01482 590270 (East Riding enquiries) or
01482 324474 (Hull enquiries).