Clear Hold Build (CHB) is a collaborative initiative aimed clearing organised crime and bringing together individuals, organisations, and businesses in the Bridlington South area to create positive change and build a stronger community. 

person in handcuffs being arrested

This launch event will serve as an introduction to the project and its goals with aim of:

• Creating a common understanding of the Serious Organised Crime (SOC) threat and the impact that Organised Crime has on the communities of Bridlington South.

• Providing an explanation of the CHB concept and the role organisations can play within the framework, to ensure an effective delivery.

• Hearing from local and regional leaders, speakers with lived experience, and partners who are already delivering projects in Bridlington South.

• Galvanising commitment from all agencies to proactively support the delivery of the CHB response.

• Gaining a joint understanding of what is currently working well within the partnership landscape and identify ways we can improve to ensure a sustainable CHB outcome.

The Event, hosted by the Home Office, Humberside Police, Humber & Yorkshire Regional Organised Crime Unit and the East Riding Community Safety Partnership will feature input from a range of agencies and guest speakers who have played a role in developing CHB both locally and nationally.

Lunch is provided on the day for all in attendance and we encourage you to share the link with others working locally in the Bridlington community to come along and network. Spaces are limited to 150 so we encourage booking your spot as soon as possible.

Clear Hold Build event poster

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