Your responses needed to help design and develop future digital grant funding for the East Riding.

Three people looking at a screen on a laptop

The Council's Regeneration and Funding team need groups from the East Riding's Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE), Town & Parish Councils and other local groups to tell them what their organisations need in terms of digital support, whether it's funding, advice, training, new equipment, something else or a combination of everything. 

This could be anything from funding for a better internet connection in your building, to advice on how to run your group's social media profiles.

Your responses to this survey will help the team to design future grant funding. 

Survey Deadline

The survey will be open for responses until Sunday 24 September.

Pease complete the Digital Needs Survey HERE.

Contact the team

If you would like to discuss any part of this survey please feel free to contact the team via email HERE.


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