Are you benefiting from using East Riding 4 Community - East Riding Council's free easy to use website designed to help community groups find suitable funding for their projects? 

Image of computer screen on the East Riding 4 Community homepage

If you are, could you please tell us about it in this short survey.


Not a member of East Riding 4 Community?

If you're not a member of the East Riding 4 Community website, and you're looking for grant funding - you need to sign up!

It's easy to use - and most importantly FREE to use.  It asks some simple questions about your project, and then the system searches its database and lists possible fund schemes for you. The search includes local funds and also many of the thousands of national grant giving trusts and foundations across the UK .  You can set up alerts too so that when suitable funding goes live, you'll receive an email to make you aware.

 The site is available for to all organisations including community and voluntary groups, charities, town and parish councils, sport clubs, schools and social enterprises.

Watch this video to find out more about the site, and how to get the best from it.


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